In this article, we will learn what User Story is and how to write one. User Story plays a major role here. It is the part of the Agile process where instead of writing comprehensive requirements, we write a short description of a feature. As the Agile Manifesto says 'Working Software' Over 'Comprehensive Documents'. What is User Story? User Story is a short and simple description of the feature or requirements of the project. Generally, user stories are written on sticky notes or index cards as a user or role-based perspective. User Story Template As a < type of user or role >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >. The template identifies 3 questions - "Who", "What", and "Why". If the team doesn't know these three answers, it means they don't understand the story, and if they don't understand the story, then it's difficult to split it well. Reference:https://mazoea.wordpres...
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